Thursday, May 30, 2019
Technology and the Rainforest :: essays research papers
With anythe technological advancements, the pelting forest hasbeen greatly effected. Not only flip the treesbeen cut down but withal there have positiveaspects to the technology concerning this preciousresource. Peter White, a chief writer for NationalGeographic magazine once said, " The tropicalpelting forest whitethorn well be natures chief liberty ofexperience from which all of humanity can learn,not only how to do things but also what a vastvariety of things may be possible"(24). We all canlearn from this for, the rain forest is a key to ourenvironment and with all the technology destroyingit and barely replacing it we all should think aboutwhat is happening and what can be done to saveit. With the great progression of technology finished this century the rain forest has rapidlybeen destroyed. Being the home of nearly 50% ofall species, the rain forest is a resource that shouldand must be saved. It is once thought that thetropical rain forest once spanned the great sp aceof 1.5 billion hectares. But as the time goes onslowly that phone number diminishes. In the year 2000 itis theorized that there will only be 900 hectares lefton this world (Palmer/4). Even though there is notany rain forest in the United states, the rain forestgreatly effects us in ways not known to all. Manymedicines are demonstrate in the rain forest and many ofthem treat common diseases. Malaria for exampleis a disease that has its treatment coming fromquinine, taken form the chinchona tree in Peru. Alsowhen you have surgery, d-tarbocuranine is greatlyrelied on as a muscle relaxer. It is made formcurare, derived from an Amazonian liana(Palmer/23). This research shows that the medicinal aspect of the rain forest is definitelyneeded for the advancement of technology itself.Much of the new technology being made in thetimes that we are living in now, relies on the rainforest. The packaging in which all the new stereosand CD players are shipped, come from the trees.These trees ar e cut down into small pieces tomake composition board for the selfish needs of humanity(White 28). A massive amount of women havebeen on birth control and one of the majorcomponents of the pill is diosgenin. This is madefrom roughshod yams found in Mexico (Palmer 23). Thisdraws the conclusion that the technology that wehave now might not be as advanced with out therain forest. But at the same time the technologythat we are developing are having the adverseeffect on the source of the advancement. Rainforest depletion is a real trouble in the world
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