
Monday, February 4, 2019

Television and Media Essay - TV Violence and the V-Chip :: Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument

TV Violence and the V-Chip         the States has the highest crime rate in the human beings.  Along with that crimerate is too the substantially high craze rate.  wherefore is violencebecoming and habitual pull downt in our society?  When you flip on thetele and tune into the news,  the highlighting of e very show is somehow directlyrelated or connected to violence.  We come upon it every evening and perhaps say Ohmy gosh, how terrible. and then blockade all about it two minutes later.  Orperhaps we dont even make all comments at all,  just a simple remonstrate or..huh...  This numbness to violence is very scary and very real.  Why is itthen that America has the most crime and violence. Why non Switzerland orAustralia.  Are we not as civilized and advanced as they?  I believe it is thisnumbness to violence that has made America so violent.         When I think ba ck to my childhood and find television I rememberwatching such programs as Sesame Street,  Mr. Rogers, and Scooby - Doo.  I grant no function but pleasant memories filled with happiness,  peace,  understanding, and learning.  When you watch childrens programs today you see senselessviolence often as the first means of closure a problem.  The classic view ofgood versus fell is the basis of these shows with violence as the answer.When children watch these programs they copy the actions and morals of theseshows depicting good and evil.  Children do not hold up what good is or whatevil is, how sewer they?  This world is not broken into good and evil.Evil to children is what opposes them,  what does not agree with them,  or anyother person or thing that poses a possible difficulty.  Children must be taughtthat there are differences in this world.  This world is filled with many peopleholding different beliefs,  ideas,  and mora ls.  That is what makes this worldso unique and colorful. Children need to learn to respect these differences froma very young age.  They need to learn to talk out and solve any disagreements orproblems through other means than violence.  They must not know violence as ananswer,  as if violence was never even an excerpt to consider in solving aproblem.         I recently became conscious of the problem of violence in children when Istarted observing humiliated children at play at my apartment complex.  I had knownone small child in particular when he was just learning to speak.  I had watchedhim and talked with him for several years and noticed nothing violent nor

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